Klimagerechtes Flächenmanagement in Kommunen
Die Bundesregierung hat in ihrer nationalen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie das Ziel festgelegt, die Inanspruchnahme weiterer Flächen durch Siedlung und Verkehr bis zum Jahr 2020 auf 30 Hektar pro Tag zu reduzieren. Tatsächlich werden jedoch in Deutschland derzeit noch täglich etwa 76 Hektar für neue Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächen in Anspruch genommen. Das hat vor allem negative Auswirkungen auf die Belange von Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, so dass ein effektives Flächenmanagement in den Kommunen immer drängender wird.
Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind die unterschiedlichen Instrumente, die den Kommunen für ein klimagerechtes Flächenmanagement zur Verfügung stehen: informelle planerische Instrumente ebenso wie PC-gestützte Tools. Die Instrumente werden daraufhin bewertet, inwieweit sie die Kommunen bei der Reduzierung der Flächeninanspruchnahme unterstützen und der Verzahnung mit den Belangen von Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung gerecht werden.
Requirements for the climate-friendly management of compact settlement areas and infrastructure spaces
The Federal Environment Agency has commissioned BKR Aachen Noky & Simon with conducting a study into the requirements for the climate-friendly management of compact settlement areas and infrastructure spaces. The German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy are both project subcontractors and are applying integrated land take reduction, climate change adaptation and climate action approaches.
As part of its National Sustainability Strategy the German government has set itself the target of reducing further land take for settlement and traffic purposes to 30 hectares per day by 2020. In spite of this, Germany is in fact currently still using up to around 73 hectares for new settlements and trafficked areas every day. Above all, this has negative impacts on climate action- and adaptation-related matters. In this context effective land use management is thus becoming an issue which local governments need to urgently address.
The study is looking into the different formal and informal instruments and tools which local governments have at their disposal as regards climate-friendly land use management. The focus is on informal planning instruments as well as PC-based tools. These are being analysed as regards the extent to which they support local governments in a targeted manner when it comes to reducing land take and at the same time meet the need to dovetail climate action and climate adaptation concerns.
Ms Daniela Michalski
Tel.: +49 (0)30 39001-270
Email: michalski [at] difu [dot] de