15. Deutscher Fachkongress der kommunalen Energiebeauftragten
Der Deutsche Fachkongress der kommunalen Energiebeauftragten wird seit 1995 vom Difu gemeinsam mit einer Gastgeberstadt und weiteren Kooperationspartnern - dem Arbeitskreis "Energieeinsparung" des DST, den kommunalen Spitzenverbänden (DST, DStGB, DLT) - ausgerichtet.
Die kontinuierlich wachsende Anzahl der Kongressteilnehmer seit der ersten Veranstaltugn 1995 in Frankfurt am Main spricht für das rege Interesse und die zunehmende Beliebtheit des Kongresses. Auf wachsenden Zuspruch stößt der Kongress auch in kleinen Städten und Gemeinden, was darauf zurück zu führen ist, dass diese offenbar - nach den großen Städten - ebenfalls Stellen für Energiebeauftragte eingerichtet haben. Das Difu und seine Kooperationspartner werden die Weiterbildung und den Erfahrungsaustausch der kommunalen Energiebeauftragten auch in den kommenden Jahren fortsetzen.
Kooperation: Veranstalter des 15. Kongresses sind das Difu und die Stadt Regensburg in Kooperation mit dem Arbeitskreis "Energieeinsparung" des DST, den kommunalen Spitzenverbänden (DST, DStGB, DLT) sowie dem bayerischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Verkehr und Technologie.
Involvierte Städte: Augsburg, Berlin, Dortmund, Frankfurt/Main, Hannover, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, Morbach, München, Münster, Nürnberg, Regensburg, Stuttgart, Ulm, Weilerbach, Wuppertal.
German Local Government Energy Management Convention
Local government energy management above all aims to reduce energy consumption in local government properties as well as the associated costs. Efficient energy management, focussing on the prudent and user-friendly use of heating, cooling, electricity and water, has the potential to save considerable costs and to make an extremely important contribution to climate protection.
The annual German Local Government Energy Management Convention, which was first held in 1995, is intended to provide an arena in which new processes, approaches and examples deriving from the everyday practice of local government energy commissioners can be presented and discussed. In addition, it serves as a platform for practitioners to share practical experience.
The convention is organised jointly by Difu and a host city as well as in cooperation with the Energy Management Working Group of the German Association of Cities and local government associations. Between 200 and 250 participants from across Germany and other German-speaking countries have attended the event in the past. A different German city is chosen as host each year. Recent hosts have included Hanover (and the Hanover region), Munich, Mannheim and Düsseldorf.
It is mainly local government experts who benefit from the opportunity for an intensive exchange of know-how and experience. Up to 20 different workshops covering topics such as energy efficiency, renewable energies, energy in facility management, and cooperation, advice and public relations are held in the course of the convention. Participants can find out more about product innovations and offers from producers and service providers on a “marketplace” throughout the event.
Ms Cornelia Rösler
Tel.: +49 (0)221 340308-18
Email: roesler [at] difu [dot] de
Ms Anna Hogrewe-Fuchs
Tel.: +49 (0)221 340308-16
Email: hogrewe-fuchs [at] difu [dot] de