Beyond Push and Pull: Incentive Schemes to Promote Sustainable Mobility Behaviour in Communal Practice

Fr 12 Jul 24

Individualised mobility consulting, mobility budgets or playful comparisons among colleagues about who cycled the most: Incentive schemes open up a variety of new opportunities to promote sustainable mobility behaviour. Given supportive framework conditions and communication measures, incentive schemes can be a valuable addition to classic push and pull measures on the way to sustainable urban mobility.

This webinar sets out to discuss and reflect upon the potential of incentive schemes and positions them in relation to communal mobility policies. Three communal examples illustrate how incentive schemes can be applied in practice. A subsequent discussion and outlook will identify the framework conditions for incentive schemes to be effective.

klein-hitpass [at] difu [dot] de
soenksen [at] difu [dot] de


Local authorities, mobility and transport planning, urban planning.

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Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik gGmbH (Difu)
ConPolicy GmbH
Umweltbundesamt (UBA)
ConPolicy GmbH
Freie Plätze verfügbar
10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
flatow [at] difu [dot] de

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